The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification

TitleThe minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsField D, Garrity G, Gray T, Morrison N, Selengut J., Sterk P, Tatusova T, Thomson N, Allen MJ, Angiuoli SV, Ashburner M, Axelrod N, Baldauf S, Ballard S, Boore J, Cochrane G, Cole J, Dawyndt P, De Vos P, DePamphilis C, Edwards R, Faruque N, Feldman R, Gilbert J, Gilna P, Glöckner FOliver, Goldstein P, Guralnick R, Haft D, Hancock D, Hermjakob H, Hertz-Fowler C, Hugenholtz P, Joint I, Kagan L, Kane M, Kennedy J, Kowalchuk G, Kottmann R, Kolker E, Kravitz S, Kyrpides N, Leebens-Mack J, Lewis SE, Li K, Lister AL, Lord P, Maltsev N, Markowitz V, Martiny J, Methe B, Mizrachi I, Moxon R, Nelson K, Parkhill J, Proctor L, White O, Sansone S-A, Spiers A, Stevens R, Swift P, Taylor C, Tateno Y, Tett A, Turner S, Ussery D, Vaughan B, Ward N, Whetzel T, San Gil I, Wilson G, Wipat A
JournalNature biotechnologyNature biotechnology
Type of Article10.1038/nbt1360
KeywordsChromosome mapping, Databases, Factual, information dissemination, Information Storage and Retrieval, Information Theory, Internationality

With the quantity of genomic data increasing at an exponential rate, it is imperative that these data be captured electronically, in a standard format. Standardization activities must proceed within the auspices of open-access and international working bodies. To tackle the issues surrounding the development of better descriptions of genomic investigations, we have formed the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC). Here, we introduce the minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification with the intent of promoting participation in its development and discussing the resources that will be required to develop improved mechanisms of metadata capture and exchange. As part of its wider goals, the GSC also supports improving the 'transparency' of the information contained in existing genomic databases.