Social Snapshot: A System for Temporally Coupled Social Photography

TitleSocial Snapshot: A System for Temporally Coupled Social Photography
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsPatro R., Ip CYiu, Bista S., Varshney A
JournalComputer Graphics and Applications, IEEEComputer Graphics and Applications, IEEE
Type of Article10.1109/MCG.2010.107
ISBN Number0272-1716
Keywords3D, ACQUISITION, computing, coupled, data, Photography, reconstruction, sciences, snapshot, social, spatiotemporal, temporally

Social Snapshot actively acquires and reconstructs temporally dynamic data. The system enables spatiotemporal 3D photography using commodity devices, assisted by their auxiliary sensors and network functionality. It engages users, making them active rather than passive participants in data acquisition.